本周,美國迎來了2022年最重要的盛事之一——中期選舉。今年的選舉被稱作拜登的“期中考”,也被視為2024年美國總統大選的“前哨戰”。 在當前高通脹、高油價以及經濟有衰退風險之際,這場選舉與未來兩年的執政息息相關,市場也會受到一定的影響。 ...
The midterm elections are approaching. Will there be an impact on interest rates?
Edit Time: 11/14/2022 11:55:20 PM
This week, the United States ushered in one of the most important events of 2022 - the midterm elections. This year's election i...
Edit Time: 11/8/2022 12:29:33 AM
10月27日,三季度GDP資料出爐。 三季度GDP環比大幅增長2.6%,不僅高於市場預期的2.4%,同時也結束了此前的“技術性衰退”——上半年連續兩個季度出現GDP負增長。 GDP由負轉正,意味著美聯儲的強勢加息並未給經濟發展帶來想像中...
Do not be fooled by GDP! If a recession is inevitable in 2023, will the Fed cut rates? Where will interest rates go?
Edit Time: 11/8/2022 12:25:48 AM
On October 27, GDP data for the third quarter were released. Third quarter GDP rose a strong 2.6% year-ov...
Why should you pay attention to the yield on 10-year U.S. bonds, do you really understand that?
Edit Time: 10/31/2022 10:24:42 PM
The Federal Reserve’s determination to curb inflation has recently led to a tightening of rate hike policy, with the result that...
Edit Time: 10/31/2022 10:20:18 PM
最近隨著美聯儲抑制通脹的決心高漲,鷹派政策愈演愈烈,造成的一大結果就是——美債收益率再創多年新高。 圖片來源:CNBC 10月21日,十年期美債收益率攀升至4.21%,創下2007年8月以來新高。 美債收益率...
High rents are the reason why inflation is not going down? A new round of interest rate hike warnings!
Edit Time: 10/21/2022 10:52:34 PM
Why has not inflation come down? Last Thursday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released data for September CPI. ...
Edit Time: 10/21/2022 10:49:23 PM
通脹為何沒降下來? 上週四,勞工部統計局發佈9月CPI資料: 9月CPI同比增加8.2%, 前值8.3%,市場預期8.1%;核心CPI同比增6.6%, 前值6.3%。 整體CPI較今年6月時的最高點有所回落,主要是以汽油...
The truth about the labor market, which is still hot after five interest rate hikes
Edit Time: 10/14/2022 6:54:35 PM
Nonfarm payrolls data exceeded expectations again On Friday, the nonfarm payroll report for September released, ...
Edit Time: 10/14/2022 6:51:54 PM
非農數據再超預期 上週五,9月非農就業報告出爐,這是一份無論從哪個角度看,都堪稱“強勁”的就業報告: 9月非農就業人數增長26.3萬人,高於市場預期的25.5萬人;失業率意外降至3.5%,這是50年來的最低位,低於市場預期的3.7%。...
銀行口中的Prime Rate為何如此重要?
Edit Time: 10/11/2022 12:02:02 AM
Prime Rate的起源 大蕭條之前,美國的貸款利率是自由化的,各家銀行通過綜合考慮資金成本、風險溢價等因素,來自行決定本行的貸款利率。 1929年,美國進入大蕭條時期,當時的美國經濟惡化,企業大量倒閉,居民收入也在下降。 ...
Why is the Prime Rate so important in the minds of banks?
Edit Time: 10/10/2022 11:59:01 PM
Origin of the Prime Rate Prior to the Great Depression, lending rates in the U.S. were liberalized, and each ban...
The end of interest rate hikes: higher but not necessarily further
Edit Time: 10/5/2022 10:24:15 PM
What does the dot plot reveal? In the morning of September 21st, the FOMC meeting came to a close. Not surp...
CPI Exceeds Expectations: Two Facts, One Truth
Edit Time: 9/27/2022 12:41:42 AM
Inflation peaks but hardly declines Last Tuesday, the Labor Department released data showing that the CPI rose 8...
What are the opportunities for the mortgage market as the RMB exchange rate falls below 6.9 and the dollar continues to appreciate?
Edit Time: 9/17/2022 1:58:16 AM
Dollar index soars to new 20-year high On Monday, the ICE dollar index temporarily rose above the 110 mark, reach...