September Shrinkage Speed Doubled, the Market Trembled: Mortgage Rates to Rise!

Rate hikes hit hard, Shrinkage hesitates Three months ago, the Federal Reserve announced that shrinking the bala...

Powell's eight-minute speech terrified the entire Wall Street?

What is the secret of this speech? Jackson Hole annual meeting is known in the circles as the "annual meeting of ...


點陣圖透露了什麼? 21日上午,9月FOMC會議落下帷幕。 不出意外,本月美聯儲再度加息75bp,與市場預期基本符合。 這是今年第三次75bp的大幅加息,聯邦基準利率被上調至3%-3.25%,到了2008年以來的最高水準。 ...


通脹見頂但很難回落 上週二,勞工部公佈的資料顯示,8月CPI同比漲幅為8.3%,預期為8.1%。 這是本月加息前最後一次通脹資料的發佈,毫無疑問成為了上周全球市場上的最大看點,華爾街更是遭遇了一個股債雙殺的“黑色星期二”。 ...

Real Estate Market Data Returns to Reality - Housing Market Analysis for the First Half of 2022

"Obviously, I see that all the houses in the neighborhood are dropping in price and have been listed for many days without sell...

How Do The Rich Cope With Inflation?

I was shocked to hear my old friend Tom talk about his real estate roller-coaster investment experience. Tomstarted his ca...

Never Ever Try to Against the Federal Reserve

The latest data from the Labor Department showed non-farm employment increased by 528,000 in July, which is sharply better than t...

Game-Changing: A Downturn in Home prices

Recently, one of my friends James, who is a Realtor, shared a story and complained that the real estate activity is changing the ...

75bp Increase, Mortgage Interest Rates Decrease! Why did the market take the “rate-cut” script?

The Federal Reserve Turns to Ease Up The Federal Reserve announced at the July Federal Open Market...

It’s Time to Reassess the Expectation of Recession

Dramatic changes in a short time As the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy to combat the worst inflation ...

How to Interpret the Roaring CPI above 9%

Key Information On July 13th, the Labor Department reportedthe Consumer Price Indexof June. ...

ELITE JUMBO——你敢相信嗎?巨額貸款也可以拿到CONFORMING LOAN的超低利息

在現代金融市場上,選擇一個既划算又可靠的貸款產品,對許多人來說都是一項挑戰,尤其是對於Jumbo產品更是難上加難。 但現在,這一切都將改變! 我們重磅推出AAA Elite Jumbo 貸款,一個全新的Jumbo貸款方案,它帶來的超低利率和多樣的存款選擇定會讓您嘆為觀止。 ...


在房地产和置业领域,申请抵押贷款与抵押贷款公司的合作是至关重要的一步。这个过程可能看起来复杂且耗时,但了解时间表可以帮助您充满信心地应对。在本文中,我们将深入探讨与抵押贷款公司申请贷款通常需要多长时间。 申请过程 在获得抵押贷款之前,第一步是...


美国的信用报告机构有哪些? 美国有三大信用报告机构,通常称为信用局或信用报告机构,它们分别是:Experian、Equifax 和 TransUnion。 这三家机构的任务是收集和维护与个人信用相关的信息,包括信用卡和贷款账户信息、借款金额、还款历史、债务记录等。银行、...


美元指數飆至20年新高 本週一,ICE美元指數一度升穿了110關口,創下了近20年來的新高。 圖片來源: 所謂美元指數(US Dollar I...