Is Inflation Peaking or U.S. Stock Market Bottomed Out? Federal Reserve: Interest Rates Still Need to Be Raised What exactly has happened to U.S. stocks?

What happened to the U.S. stock market? In recent times, the falling U.S. stocks have attracted everyone’s attention; in addition to techno...

As The Housing Market Supply Rose Slightly, The Supply Shortage Alleviated Slightly, But It Remains A “Seller's Market”

Since January 2022, mortgage rates have climbed to a near 3-year high, along with increasing inflation and two significant interest rate hikes by t...


再潑冷水!CPI超預期 近兩個星期之前,低於預期的4月PCE物價指數公佈之後,當時的市場欣喜若狂,認爲通脹見頂的跡象已初現端倪,並開始預期接下來的CPI數據是否也能上演同樣的驚喜。 然而,在週五之前,摩根大通表示即將公...

Is Inflation Peaking? Three signs show that prices are about to fall back

According to CNN, on May 2, inflation is known to be at a 40-year high, but some analysts believe that this situation may be changing. ...

Is Inflation As Fierce As A Tiger? It May Not Be As Scary As You Think

Inflation throw cold water again!CPI Exceeds Expectations Nearly two weeks ago,after the release of the lower-than-expected PCE(Personal Con...

Sellers Are in a Hurry! Worried About Missing the Hottest Moment in the Housing Market, Homes for Sale Jumped

With a sudden pullback in home sales due to sharply rising mortgage rates, sellers are now rushing to get into the market before the sizzling housi...

A Return to Recession? Mortgage Rates May Stabilize

10-year U.S. Treasury Retreated In the earlier years, as the Federal Reserve went further and further down the hawkish path, the 10-year U.S...

To Make It Easier for Americans to Buy a Home, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Are Introducing A Series of Drastic Reforms

According to USA Todayon Wednesday, mortgage regulators Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will introduce a series of drasticreforms to make it easier for ...

The Real Estate Market Is Booming! Who Are the Losers? Who Are the Winners?

There is no denying that from the highest home prices to the lowest number of homes for sale, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned the U.S. real estate...

As The Housing Market Supply Rose Slightly, The Supply Shortage Alleviated Slightly, But It Remains A “Seller's Market”

Since January 2022, mortgage rates have climbed to a near 3-year high, along with increasing inflation and two significant interest rate hikes by t...

Financial Crisis Apocalypse - The Great Panic in 1907: A Crisis That Gave Birth to the Federal Reserve

“The danger of this crisis to the overall economy is something that successive policymakers will never forget.” --Frederic Mishkin, Fed Gove...

Review: How Does $1 Trillion in Cryptocurrencies

Under the Fed's continued aggressive "tapering", digital currencies are experiencing a "cold winter," and fleeing risky assets has become the main ...

Bubble Or No Bubble? History Tells Us How Likely A Real Estate Crash Is This Year

Southern California home prices set more records as rate hikes fail to slow bidding wars Southern California's housing market remains overhe...


十年期美債回落 早前,隨着美聯儲在鷹派的道路上越走越遠,10年期美債收益率也持續上行,從年初的1.5%一路狂飆至5月9日的3.2%。 然而就在上一週,之前遭遇大舉拋售的美債卻迎來喘息之機,收益率也相應從今年高點大幅下跌,目前已回落至2.743%。 ...

Fighting Inflation! White House Releases Housing Supply Action Plan

On Monday, the White House (May 16) unveiled a plan to boost the housing supply and lower costs for tenants and homeowners. It is part of the Admin...